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School Hours
M-F: 6:50am – 5:30pm
Weekends: Closed
Phone & Email
Mary de Witt: 082 575 9252
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Frequently Asked Questions
We often get questions about what exactly Montessori is and how it works. For that reason we’ve compiled the most common questions for you here. If there is something you would still like to know, or if you would like to apply to Venture Montessori, please visit our CONTACTS page to get in touch with us.
Isn’t Montessori expensive?
Tuition in Montessori schools throughout the country is comparable to other tuition-based. Fees may sometimes be a bit higher due to the nature of Montessori classroom materials, the pristine environment, extensive curriculum, and Montessori-trained professional staff. To give your child the finest possible experience in his “sensitive years” is to give him a strong foundation throughout his life. Many educators believe to invest in a preschool education is of even greater benefit than in a college education. It is of inestimable benefit for the child to enjoy learning and become self-directed during the critical preschool age.
How do children interact in the environment?
As the children develop their sense of pride in their “work,” a feeling of confidence, well-being, and joy is manifested in the child. There is respect, love, and cooperation among the children as they socialize and learn. A classroom of Montessori children is a joy to watch!
What is the Montessori Method of education?
Montessori classroom materials are designed for “auto-education.” The child is taught how to use the materials. The classroom design is beautiful and interesting to the child in order to facilitate learning. Maria Montessori said, “The child, left at liberty to exercise his activities, ought to find in his surroundings something organized in direct relation to his internal organization, which is developing itself by natural laws.” The teacher carefully prepares the classroom and is available to assist children and give instruction as needed. The Montessori Method is based on the child’s need to discover order in his world.
With all the freedom isn’t there confusion?
The concept of freedom within the classroom is one of freedom within limits. A child may work freely so long as he does not disturb others. Children allowed the freedom to choose their own work generally are happy and self-controlled so the classroom, in turn, remains orderly.
What about socialization and group work?
Socialization is very much a part of the Montessori Method. In the classroom children interact continuously, often choosing to work on projects together. Very often older children help younger ones. Each day, there is group activity time, called “line time”, and there is ample opportunity for socialization during daily outdoor play.